Doctor Who: Legends of a Time Lord – City of the Dead

Giant Gnome Productions is proud to present the SEASON 1 FINALE of our original Doctor Who Audio Drama:

Doctor Who: Legends of a Time Lord

Episode 8 – City of the Dead

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The Doctor, Daniel and Emily are exploring an ancient, abandoned city in the unknown reaches of deep space. But they soon realize there is more to the city then they bargained for. Faceless statues, animal sacrifice and a mysterious man all play a role in uncovering the chilling secret of the City of the Dead.

Cast and Crew

Featured in the cast were,

Ryan Cassavaugh as the Man
Sadie Cassavaugh as Amara
Steven Jay Cohen as Burlingame
Violet Ash as the Priestess
Daniel McIntosh as Automaton
Sammy Rey as Emily Whitrose


David Maciver as The Doctor
Announcer: Gareth Bowley
Producer: Waleed Ovase
Written by: Ryan Cassavaugh
Director/Audio Engineer: John Noble
Executive Producer of Giant Gnome Productions: Waleed Ovase
Doctor Who, owned by the BBC. No Rights Infringement Intended.