Negotiations with the First Federation continue…but Captain Buchanan realizes that there may be more to his adversary’s threats than meet the eye…
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 57 – Bishop to Queen Four
While Captain Buchanan and Commander Torkelson work to resolve the situation with the First Federation through diplomatic negotiations, the crew of Deep Space Three and the Chimera attack the issue from another front.
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 56 – Confrontation
When four Fesarius-class vessels surround DS3, and Betty demands the surrender of the station, Captain Buchanan is forced to confront one of Starfleet’s former allies – one that now threatens to bring the two powers to the brink of war.
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 55 – Bits and Pieces
The bits and pieces surrounding Deep Space Three’s latest visitors start to fall into place with the arrival of new crew and a familiar face from Starfleet’s JAG office.
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 49 – Double-Edged Sword
The crew of DS3 discover there is far more to Skelerune than meets the eye…and he may be far more dangerous than initially thought. Meanwhile, Mel Hermanson weaves his web of revenge against the Mahr ever tighter, threatening to ensnare Captain Buchanan and Dr. Breetal in the process.
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 48 – On Borrowed Time
While Captain Buchanan and Dr. Breetal journey to Kalimor to confront their past, a curious stranger visits Deep Space 3, giving Commander Torkelson a new challenge to overcome.
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 45 – The Enclave
After risking life and limb to procure the Tranya for their Uncle Vodic, Vurk and Tirgil finally arrive at the Enclave — only to discover that they aren’t the only ones with an interest in going to the pirate haven.
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 44A – Follow the Script
When an away team is sent to on a survey mission to an alien world, they are caught in a cave-in which injures the team leader. Do the rest of the team members have what it takes to make it safely back to the USS Remington?
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 44 – Profit In The Wind – Part IV
Having successfully navigated through the asteroid field on a bootlegging route into and out of the First Federation, Vurk and Tirgil work to complete their deal…but will they find Darst in time…if at all?
Star Trek: Outpost – Episode 43 – Profit In The Wind – Part III
Having successfully navigated through the asteroid field on a bootlegging route into and out of the First Federation, Vurk and Tirgil work to complete their deal…but will they find Darst in time…if at all?