Doctor Who: Legends a Time Lord – The Black Peter

Giant Gnome Productions is proud to present Doctor Who: Legend of a Time Lord next episode, and Christmas Special:

Doctor Who: Legends a Time Lord – The Black Peter

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Startling things are happening at Cadogan Castle Lord, children are disappearing, people are dying and, it’s up to the Doctor to save Christmas!

Cast and Crew

April Sadowski as Anywn
Thomas Hudson as Bran
Tom Stitzer as Cadogan
Sammy Rey as Emily Whitrose
Jake Hudson as Garreth
Michael Hudson as Harrington
Julia Lunetta as Lady Daw
Al Aseoche as Margarete
Cheryl Cunningham as Megan
Gwendolyn Jensen Woodard as Meredith
Andrew Hicks as Tappen
David Ault as the Villager


David Maciver as The Doctor
Announcer: Mark “The Encaffeinated One” Kilfoil
Written by: Ryan Cassavaugh
Producer: Waleed Ovase
Audio Engineer: John Noble